What is Open?
It's all about copyright. The challenge with traditional textbooks is that while you are teaching with them, you do not have any control of how often they are updated, their cost, their currency or cultural relevancy covered in the material...well truly, you do not have control over anything. The publisher does because they hold the copyright.
Open Education Resources are textbooks and other course materials that are created by faculty, ie. experts in their subject areas, and licensed with a Creative Commons copyright that allows others to freely access and use.
Open Education Resources are textbooks and other course materials that are created by faculty, ie. experts in their subject areas, and licensed with a Creative Commons copyright that allows others to freely access and use.
To take back their classrooms, access to materials, and help combat the rising costs of higher education for their students, faculty and institutions around the globe have created/adopted/implemented freely accessible textbooks and other materials for their courses.
Curious about how? I recommend beginning with assessing one course at a time. Choose a course. Then you can get started on your own with the Faculty Workbook below or by going to the Getting Started page.
2023 - 2023
University of Providence
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Where are OER materials found?
Library Resources
Already amazing resources at your fingertips.
Open Texbooks
You know, the traditional type
Courses complete with lessons, presentations, and other ancillary materials.
Fab sites that have all of the above and the fun stuff from lesson plans and slides to test banks and more.
You know, the traditional type
What others are teaching in your state
Because you can't use just any image search.