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Art Month

May 2018 @ TVCC Library

We are hosting a month-long campus community Art program, where we, the librarians, give you the opportunity to create and share your art.  We will give you challenges, inspiration, provide ideas and some materials.  At the end of the month, and as the school year is coming to a close, we will share at a Gallery Night, our art together. 
All details are below.


at the TVCC Library

Foster your inner artist and join our celebration of creativity and joy. Everyone is invited to participate. You can choose any of the areas below or multiple ones. There's something for every interest. We challenge you to get involved and make some art this month! Share it with us! You can even enter it into our gallery exhibit at the end of the month. 


Prizes will be given to fan faves in all categories!  

The Theme: Finding Joy

You can read more about that here. Basically, it's spring and the world is full of possibilities and newness.  It's time to brush off the last few months and find those spots of joy around us! Each challenge is intended for you to express your joy in a shareable way. 


The Details

All entries are due by June 1st. Turn them in person to the TVCC Library or digitally hereWe will host a gallery night to spotlight all the entries on June 7th in the Library at 6:00 p.m.



Instagram Challenge

Seven Days of Finding Joy

Instagram Challenge

Our Library Advisory Board student member, Sarah Vargas, is helping us kick off an Instagram challenge to inspire our campus community to show off the JOY in our lives! Post pictures of things that bring you joy and share them with us by tagging the TVCC Library and using the hashtag #FindYourJoy✨ on FB, Twitter, or Instagram.

Not into

We get you! Use your camera skills to take pics in whatever way expresses who you are. 


To turn in your pics, have them printed and bring them to us,

post them on our social media links, or share them with us.

True Photography
Following the Challenge

Keep to the theme:

Seven Days of Finding Joy


  • People Who Bring You Joy

  • Your Secret HideAWay

  • Comfort Food

  • Power Clothes

  • Campus Joy

  • A Beautiful Moment

  • An Expression of You

Book Art

Yes, we love books! And yes, we love book art! 


If you have yet to check out what this is, we highly recommend some image or Pinterest searching.  You'll be amazed. The short of it is, making art out of books or book pages. Want to try this out? 


The Library has pages and books that you can take and make into something all your own. Want some help getting started? Come see us! 


We also have some cool inspiration for you to check out around the Library. 

For now, scroll through some images from a few of our favorite online book artists below. 


These images belong to the artists listed.

Book Art


Stay out of my way, you hag, and if you touch me again I will tear your eyes out! I will not leave till I have seen him. Don't you know me? I am Aldonza!  He knows! He must know... Please ... you are my lord, Don Quixote! Please - try to remember! It is important, whole life. You spoke to me and everything wasdifferent! You looked at me and you call me by another name! You spoke of a dream and about a quest! About how you might fight and it doesn't matter whether you win or lose if only you follow the quest! They are your own words... don't you remember... you must remember.


-Man of La Mancha

BlackOut poetry means everyone can be a poet. Yes, everyone. Simply start with a page from a book, a newspaper, or a magazine and mark out everything but the words to your poem. View some examples to get your creativity flowing!


Come to our BlackOut Poetry Workshop on Tuesday, May 22nd from 2-4 pm to learn how to make a BlackOut poem.  We'll provide all of the materials. Stop by anytime and we will show you how to make something that is you! 

Blackout Poetry
Art Your Way
Your Way


Have a creative idea all your own? Share it!!  Art should not have boundaries. Make something that shows your joy. In whatever shape or form that inspires you, create something that you can share. 


We'd like to see it in our Gallery Night exhibit!

There is an ecstasy that marks the summit of life, and beyond which life cannot rise And such is the paradox of living, this ecstasy comes when one is most alive, and it comes as a complete forgetfulness that one is alive. This ecstasy, this forgetfulness of living, comes to the artist, caught up and out of himself in a sheet of flame...

Jack London

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