the workings of
Christina Trunnell
Information Artist
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What I Do
There's always something extraordinary on the edge of what we see, what we know. The challenge is looking past ourselves long enough to find it.
I find that the most incredible aspect of being a librarian is the power to guide people to truths.
Every human deserves to find themselves in the pages of a story, to find the answers they seek, to learn and gain perspectives beyond themselves, and to discover the truth behind what is happening in and around them.
In a world that provides unlimited access to partial/half/skewed or non-truths, empowering individuals to find what is true and relevant, to make their own honestly informed choices, is what my profession is all about.
It is a joy to craft and structure information in ways and formats that inspire and promote individuals to become informed. This is the heart of who I am and what I do.