To build and create opportunities for every individual to find freedom and empowerment in education and equitable access to information. Information, words, stories have power to affect and change lives. I look forward to finding new ways to share and promote the great works that others are doing and by creating and teaching diverse groups of people new ways to see and explore the world on their educational journeys.
Areas of Expertise
Information Literacy
Instructional Design
​Project Management
Diversity, Equity, &
ILS: Innovative, Evergreen
LMS: Blackboard, Canvas,
Moodle, D2L
Quality Matters
Web Design
Graphic Design
Contemplative Practices
Professional Associations
American Library Association
Association of College and
Research Libraries
Montana Library Association
Open Education Network
Open Education Global
Community College Consortium
for Open Education
Academic Work Experience
Statewide Open Educational Resources Coordinator I April 2019-
TRAILS and Montana University System (MUS), Office of the Commissioner for Higher Education
Create and launch a statewide Open Educational Resources initiative across the 27 public, private and tribal college campuses in the state.
Develop and administer faculty grant program, embedding DEI, accessibility, and universal design protocols throughout.
Administer a robust professional development program centered around open education outreach and pedagogical best practices.
Teach instructional design course to faculty transitioning to open educational and library resources.
Provide research, publication, and design support to faculty and librarians.
Instigate a campus and statewide data collection portal and a process for routinely collecting OER data.
Head of Library & Information Services I August 2008 - March 2019
Treasure Valley Community College Ontario, OR
Manage library and information services department including creation and administration of budget, strategic planning, assessment, policy and procedures, acquisitions, employee relations, and outreach programming.
Maintain an effective physical and digital collection designed to meet instructional needs, relevant and current social needs and trends, and adhere to professional standards
Design and implement instructional program with live and virtual components of information literacy to be embedded into campus courses. Create credit-based Information Sciences course to be added to campus offerings.
Analyze usage data to develop targeted research tools and make budget projections
Integrate and promote inclusive collection development practices, identify and assess student equity needs, create a systematic process for responsive practices in student needs for inclusivity, equity, and accessibility issues.
Develop regular and community and student engagement activities to promote literacy and education within the campus community.
Create a campus open education initiative.
Reference & Instruction Librarian I October 2003 - August 2008
Treasure Valley Community College Ontario, OR
​Teach information literacy sessions, customizing sessions to instructional needs.
Conduct research interviews with students and faculty
Develop collaborative relationships with faculty and campus departments to create research tools, curriculum, events, and displays that promote instruction and the colleges services.
Analyze library usage data to create instructional aids.
Catalog new materials, train staff in cataloging practices, and develop consortium cataloging standards manual
Administer diverse programming and displays that highlights library materials collection, diversity initiatives, literacy programs, and focused instructional areas of emphasis.
Perform circulation tasks including charging and discharging materials, collecting fines, and processing interlibrary loans
- Supervise and train student workers
Maintain adaptive accessibility services to meet all student needs, including addressing mental health safe spaces and services specific to non-traditional and parent students, ESL and international students.
University of Washington, Seattle, WA
Masters of Library & Information Sciences, 2013
Eastern Oregon University, La Grande, OR
Bachelor of Arts, 2010, Cum Laude
Literature and Film
- Religion and Philosophy
​Treasure Valley Community College, Ontario, OR
Associate of Arts, 2009
University of Idaho, Moscow, ID
Library Media Specialist Certificate, 2010
Professional Service
Teaching and Serving
Self-Care in Social Justice Work
Building Your Campus OER Initiative, TRAILS
Open Pedagogy: putting students in the center of OER creation, TRAILS
Social Equity in Course Design, Keynote Presentation, University of San Diego
Running an OER program on a Shoestring Budget, co-present with Emily Ragan, Open Oregon
Copyright, Creative Commons, and Fair Use: a crash course, TRAILS
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Academic Publishing, PUB101 Course, Open Education Network
RLOE- Regional Leadership in Open Education
RLOE - Policy and Procedure Committee
Diversity Equity & Inclusion Workgroup, co-chair, Open Education Network
WICHE OER Leadership Group, Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education
IDEA+ Committee (I D E A)Montana State University
OER Statewide Leadership Network
When Small Things Make a Big Impact: exploring privilege, intersectionality, implicit bias, and microagressions, TRAILS
Rethinking the Online Lecture, TRAILS
OER from the Top: administration and leadership roles in creating a campus initiative, TRAILS
E-Learning Resources in Open Education, MSU Billings
How to Talk About Race: a social justice webinar series
Incorporating Self-Care into Course Design, TRAILS
Culture Shift to Academic Freedom, TRAILS
The Art of the Online Lecture, TRAILS
Adding Good News into Your Online Course, TRAILS
OER in the Library: getting started, TRAILS
OER and Culturally Responsive Pedgogy, TRAILS
Diversity Equity & Inclusion Workgroup, co-chair, Open Education Network
RLOE- Regional Leadership in Open Education
RLOE - Policy and Procedure Committee
IDEA+ Committee (I D E A)Montana State University
OER Statewide Leadership Network
Digital Humanities for All Librarians, ALA, Feb. 2019
Title III, Equity Program
Oregon Education Association, Representative
Faculty Union, President
Title III, Equity Program
Equity and OER in Instructional Design, Curriculumn Developer
Cataloging Mentor, Sage Library Consortium
Cataloging Committee Chair, Sage Library Consortium
Prior Service and Teaching
Faculty Union, Treasurer
Diversity Committee 2010-2017
Accreditation Team 2015-2018
Campus OER Lead, 2013-2019
OER Sprint, 2016
OER Training, 2015
Board, Sage LIbrary Consortium, 2008-2016
Professional Development
Cooking up and Spicing Up OER with H5P, Alan Levine, Maricopa OERizona
Launch: Code of Best Practices in Fair Use
Open Education Conference
OE Global Conference
Microcredentials: what they are and what they could mean for higher education, University of Montana Western & SUNY
Learning Through Play: Games and Gamification in Information Literacy Instruction, ACRL
Adaptive Learning and Open Pedagogy, SUNY
Emotional Labor
Before Thnksgvng: conference celebrating indigenous heritage, Love as A Kind of Cure
Libraries and Digital Badges, ACRL
Open Textbook Network Summer Institute
The Bluest Eye at 50, Love as A Kind of Cure
Freedom Festival: Dismantling White Supremacy, Love as A Kind of Cure
Open Education Conference
Open Textbook Network Summer Institute
Faculty Book Club: The Slow Professor, TVCC
Indigenous Literatures, Social Justice, and the Decolonial Library, ACRL-Choice
Faculty Book Club: Why They Can't Write: Killing the Five-Paragraph Essay and Other Necessities, TVCC
Open Oregon's OER Confence, Open Oregon
Faculty Book Club: How to Run a College, TVCC
Digital Humanities for All Librarians, ALA
Faculty Book Club: The Slow Professor, TVCC
Indigenous Literatures, Social Justice, and the Decolonial Library, ACRL-Choice
Introduction to Critical Information Literacy: Promoting Social Justice through Librarianship, ALA
American Library Association Annual Conference, New Orleans
Open Oregon's OER Confence, Open Oregon
Oregon Education Association